The BASD Echo

Vol. 83, Issue 4 - Nov. 2, 2020


We’re back, baby!
Back to school is always an exciting time, but returning to school at the end of the first quarter is an unprecedented ‘adventure’. Many students are shocked at the realization that a quarter has already passed. Others have felt that this time during online school has stretched on for what feels like an eternity. Read More...
Make Beaver Area Great Again!
It’s the most important election of your lifetime. Oh, wait—this is the story about student officer elections. Well, it’s still pretty interesting at least. Read More...


‘Groundhog Day’ on the court?
After only loosing one set all season, the Beaver Area volleyball team has a promising path during the playoffs. Read More...
Christmas comes early . . .
Christmas came really early for the Beaver Area High School girls soccer team as they unexpectedly make playoffs after thinking their season had ended. Read More...
Andrew, Lamb keep the pace . . .
For many cross country runners, it’s the most stressful time of the year. It’s time for the Tri States and WPIALs. Read More...
So long, seniors . . .
The leaves change, the temperature drops, and the warm autumn days turn cold and damp too early. Sadly, the same might be said about this year’s Beaver Area High School girls tennis team post season: it ended too early. Read More...
Boys not playoff bound . . .
All good things must come to an end, but you probably wouldn’t call the boys' soccer season a "good thing." Read More...
Good luck, Coach!
After battling injury after injury, the Beaver Area Bobcats stay by each others’ sides. Read More...


Remember to vote tomorrow!
Finally time for fall fashion . . .
With the arrival of the long-awaited return to in-person school comes the excitement of showing off your fall wardrobe! Read More...
What do the stars hold for you . . .
Tomorrow marks the end of Mercury Retrograde—finally! In addition to this, Halloween’s full moon in Taurus has brought about feelings of luxury and relaxation in many of us. Don’t let this fool you though. While you may enjoy an opportunity to let loose, don’t stop working towards your goals (especially with the new quarter starting this week!) Read More...


Electoral insanity . . .
Donald Trump is an illegitimate president. In the 2016 Presidential Election, Donald Trump soared to victory having only won 46% of the nation's vote. Trump’s opponent, Hillary Clinton, received 2.9 million *more* individual votes than her challenger, a discrepancy equivalent to the population of Utah. Trump’s “victory” is credited to the way in which we select our president: the electoral college. Read More...