The BASD Echo

Vol. 83, Issue 5 - Nov. 16, 2020


Life behind plastic . . .
The long awaited “first day” of school (November 2) has finally happened, but things looked a little different this year . . . Well, at least for that one week. Read More...
Democracy won . . .
**The Rundown:**


Girls’ hopes spiked by FR . . .
After defeating Mars at home November 2, the Bobcat volleyball postseason ended just two short days later. Read More...


‘You see, but you do not observe’
Looking for some magical reads this quarter? Maybe you have independent reading for English class or want to spice up your bookshelf. No matter the reason, here are some reads to get you through second quarter. Read More...
What do the stars hold for you . . .
Sagittarius season starts late this week, and with it comes changes for all the signs! Read More...


Count every vote . . .
Millions of huddled Americans endured seemingly endless poll lines in this year's election: they waited diligently to cast their vote and receive the notorious* I Voted* sticker, but perhaps a more applicable sticker would have read* I Think I Voted*. The illusion of American democracy is rapidly unraveling, and America's descent to fascism continues to accelerate. Read More...