The BASD Echo

Vol. 84, Issue 14 - May 2, 2022


JROTC cadets take second . . .
Students compete in Hershey . . .
Beaver Area’s Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) competed in the “best of the best” State Leadership Conference. Read More...
Diggin’ the ‘Garden Gala’ . . .
Prom is right around the corner!
Knockin’ em out in Knoxville . . .
Truman becomes an ‘ambassador’ . . .
Throw balls at teachers? Yes!
Beaver Area welcomed in the spring season by showing off our school spirit and playing an intense game of teachers vs. students dodgeball. Read More...


Girls remain undefeated . . .
Touch the bases . . . and hit the beach? Beaver Area softball headed south to hit the beach and, yes, also play some softball. Read More...
Takin’ you to tennis town . . .


Models wanted!
Are you interested in modeling? Fancy a turn on the runway? Well, you’re in luck . . . Read More...
What do the stars hold for you . . .
As we enter Taurus season, the earth sign energy may seem especially strong. Additionally, the new moon, symbolizing new beginnings and fresh starts, was just in Taurus, increasing the sign’s effect. Read More...


Enough is enough . . .
It’s been officially eight weeks since Russia invaded Ukraine, and I think it’s safe to say that the world is in agreement that enough is enough. Read More...
New meaning to ‘Free Bird’ . . .
The social media platform Twitter has become a battleground between Democrats and Republicans over the right to free speech—a David and Goliath situation between both sides of the aisle, with the Left taking precedence over the Right by banning Rightwing voices, such as former President Donald Trump, from the platform. Liberals are making a point to outrightly inhibit free speech by only allowing perspectives that fit their agenda to freely express their opinions. Read More...