The BASD Echo

Vol. 85, Issue 8 - Jan. 23, 2023


Pay to paint for Panama . . .
Students headed to Panamá with Mrs. Rachel Zahn this summer are hosting a paint night fundraiser. Read More...
A harmonious happy holiday . . .
The high school concert band and chorus department came together December 20 for a winter concert, which is also each ensemble's first concert of the school year. Read More...
Disco glam among the stars . . .
Semi-formal season is upon us, and Beaver Area High School is ready to dazzle with their winter semi-formal dance. Keep reading for more dance details! Read More...


Rollin’ with the team . . .
MACs are on the horizon . . .
Season has been a bucket . . .
The Bobcats have been riding a hot streak and don’t look to be slowing down any time soon. Read More...
Hoop it up!
Bobcats battle alongside Beavers . . .
Wrestling season is here and the Beaver Area Bobcats are ready to take down the competition. Read More...
They’re focusing on the positive . . .
It’s cold out there on the ice as the Beaver Area hockey team continues to struggle against tough opponents. Read More...


Here to help . . .
The Center in Midland uses their faith and good will to make a positive impact in their community. Read More...
Tune in to upcoming tunes . . .
Welcome: Year of the Rabbit . . .
While Lunar New Year might not be a widespread holiday celebrated in America, Lunar New Year is one of the most important celebrations among Southeastern and Eastern Asian cultures. The New Year celebration began January 22, but lasts for multiple days. Read More...
Much more than a day off . . .
Last Monday (January 16) schools, businesses, and government agencies across the nation took the day off to honor the legacy of Martin Luther King Jr. While most students enjoy this day off, the meaning behind the holiday often gets overlooked. Read More...
What to see in ‘23 . . .
Last year was a great year for movies, but 2023 promises to be even more exciting for movie lovers. Although we won’t know which movies will live up to the hype until we see them, we do know which movies are the most anticipated. Compiled is a list of the top 15 (in release date order) most anticipated movies according to a Beaver Area student survey. Read More...
Don’t crack under the pressure . . .
Welcome to the third quarter! This time of year is known for brand new semester courses, busier schedules, longer days, and—oh yeah, stress. Read More...


Smaller [government] is better . . .
There seems to be one debate that’s continued on and on since the beginning of our nation that all sides have yet to reach some sort of agreement on—how big should the federal government be? Read More...
Who can we trust?
A few months back, it came to light that former President Trump had quite the stash of confidential documents in his Florida home, despite not holding office since January 2021. After considerable legal back-and-forth, a raid was conducted on his home resulting in the FBI removing 33 boxes of various confidential and classified documents. Read More...