“When I say maroon, you say grey! Maroon! . . . I said, ‘Maroon!’ . . . Hello? Where is everybody?”
This year there will be no response to that cheer for Beaver Area High School sports teams. Due to of COVID-19, there will be limited or no spectators at any high school event under Governor Tom Wolf rules until further notice.
The spectator limit means that the players won’t have their friends and family to cheer them on nor have motivation to play the next play harder than before.
Each school has different rules about who can come to watch the game, but they must stay under the 250 spectator limit that Gov. Wolf established to curb the disease spread. This has been a very touchy subject especially for senior parents who may or may not be able to watch their senior play their last high school season.
“[The fan limit] affects [the experience] immensely not only for energy, but when more people are watching you, and you know it, you want to perform better for them,” said senior football and basketball player Marco Mamone.
Not only does this spectator limitation affect emotion during the game, it also affects everyone’s days leading up to the game.
Junior soccer player Caroline Samchuck stated, “I understand that the spectator limitation is necessary in order for us to be able to have our games in the first place, so I guess in some ways we should be thankful that it is an option. However, that said, compared to a normal game day, the atmosphere will not be nearly as energizing. When spectators were allowed, everyone knew when the game was, where it was, what time, and who we were playing.”
However, some players don’t think that this change in scenery affects game day all that much.
“Not having fans cheering will definitely bring down the emotional side! Hearing the fans cheer and pump you up, it was always awesome to hear! Other than that, I don’t think it will affect the game that much,” admitted junior volleyball, basketball, and softball star Payton List.
This change is bound to impact each spectator, coach, and player differently. Each sport for all levels, middle school, junior varsity, and varsity have their own rules for each different school that spectators must follow while still respecting the mask and six-foot social distancing rule.
But until the social restrictions are lifted and or a vaccine becomes available, student athletes will have to get used to quieter games and the unanswered cheers . . .
“When I say maroon, you say grey! Maroon! . . .”