January 23-24 four students represented Beaver Area at the PMEA District Band Festival.
The festival was held at Mercer High School.
Students representing were sophomore French horn player Kaylee Seevers, junior oboe player Owen Bowders, and senior tuba players Ezra Maize and Josh Dahma.
Early Thursday morning, students participated in an audition that determined their readiness and seating placement.
Band Director Mr. J.P Scanga stated, “I am proud of our students who represented Beaver Area at this event. Everyone practiced in advance and gave their best effort in the audition. They had a chance to work with an excellent guest conductor and preform in an outstanding concert. Well done!”
The group worked with guest conductor Dr. William Stowman, the Music Education Professor at Messiah University (PA).
Dahma shared, “My fellow students from Beaver Area represented our school very well at District Band. The band consisted of about 120 other students from school districts all over the surrounding area. The conductor, Dr. Stowman, was absolutely hilarious and certainly talented at conducting bands. We all thoroughly enjoyed our time in Mercer and had a terrific concert!”
Both Seevers and Dahma qualified for PMEA Region 1 Band which will be held at Ambridge High School in March.